Ready, Set, GROW! Webinar Series
With a surge in gardening questions and requests for gardening presentations, the New Mexico State University - Cooperative Extension Service is offering this FREE "Ready, Set, GROW!" gardening series to share recommended gardening practices.
Presenters will include County Extension Agents, State Extension Specialists, and other regional experts with experience in horticulture, insects, and food.
Webinars are listed below with registration links. Sign up separately for each of the classes you would like to attend!
Each webinar is being recorded too! Links to the videos and presentation slides will be added as they become available (usually within a few days of the live "show"). Scroll further down for info on previously aired webinars in our ongoing series.

Cherry tomatoes from the NMSU Learning Garden in Los Lunas. Photo credit Marisa Thompson, Aug. 2020.
Presented By:
New Mexico State Cooperative Extension Service
The NMSU Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas
NMSU Department of Extension Plant Sciences
Upcoming Webinars in 2025 (all are at 3 pm MST)
March 19 - Raising Your Gardening Game - Drew Garnett, Chaves County Extension Agriculture Agent, will present on the basics of creating your perfectly personal raised garden bed!
April 16 - Sustainable Soil Practices - Dr. Joseph Burke, Assistant Professor of Weed Science & Cropping Systems at Texas A&M in Lubbock, will present on the importance of soil analysis, no-till gardening benefits, benefits of organic amendments, and other soil strategies.
May 21- Limited space for a vegetable garden shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying your own fresh produce! - Dr. Stephanie Walker, NMSU Extension Vegetable Specialist, will present on logistics, care, and ideal variety selections for growing vegetables in containers
June 18 - Should we or shouldn’t we grow turfgrass? - Dr. Bernd Leinauer, NMSU Extension Turfgrass Specialist
July 16 - Jujube Basics and Production in New Mexico - Dr. Shengrui Yao, NMSU Extension Fruit Specialist
- August 20 - Grow a refuge for yourself and wildlife! - Laurel Ladwig, ABQ Backyard Refuge Program Director with the Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, a more-than-human geographer, University of New Mexico Adjunct Faculty, Geography & Environmental Studies, Sustainability Studies Program
September 17 - Conserving New Mexico Monarchs - Join Kaitlin Haase, Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Southwest with the Xerces Society, to learn about the threatened monarch butterfly's migration, their preferred habitat in New Mexico, and how you can help conserve them for future generations.
- October 15 - Japanese Beetles - Bethany Abrahamson, Sandoval County Extension Agriculture Agent, will discuss invasive Japanese beetle, its role as an agricultural pest, and how you can help keep it out of New Mexico
- November 19 -- TBA --
- December 17 -- TBA --
Previously-Aired Webinars
Guiding Forests Forward: The Role of Assisted Migration - Dr. Alissa (Al) Freeman, Climate Forester for Vermont Forests, Parks, and RecreationSummary: This talk explores the science, strategies, and practical considerations of assisted migration as a tool for promoting forest resilience in a changing climate. Broadly, Al is interested in the intersection of forest management, climate change, and ecophysiology. More specifically, her PhD research was focused on understanding physiological mechanisms underpinning adaptability of species to changing climate regimes and adaptive forest management.
Organic Fruit Tree IPM for Backyard Orchards - Will Jaremko-Wright, NMSU Taos County Agricultural Extension Agent
Climate-Ready Trees: Planting Smarter for a Warmer and Shadier Future - Dr. Marisa Thompson, NMSU Extension Urban Horticulture Specialist. We will discuss the challenges brought upon by climate change and offer solutions and suggestions in choosing the right tree for the right place. Find more info on the Climate-Ready Trees collaborative project and resource links HERE.
Hydroponics for the Home Gardener: Systems, crops and tips for novice growers - Rachel Gioannini, NMSU Associate Professor of Horticulture, Plant & Environmental Sciences Department
- Video recording 11-20-24
- Presentation slides 11-20-24
Bring Back the Pollinators: Stewardship of the Desert Ecosystem in Central New Mexico... and BEYOND" - Elliott Gordon, ABQ Backyard Refuge and Xerces Society Ambassador
Strategies for Common Tree Insect Pests - Dr. Joanie King, NMSU Extension Entomology Specialist
Weed Management in Urban Landscapes - Dr. Leslie Beck, NMSU Extension Weeds Specialist
Passive Rainwater Harvesting - Kali Bronson & Megan Marsee of the Bernalillo County Water Conservation Program. Passive rainwater harvesting can be as easy as directing your gutter downspout or the overflow from your rain barrel to your landscape. But you can capture even more rainwater (and support more plants) by creating swales that channel rainwater from your roof to shallow, depressed basins. This webinar for homeowners provides an overview of designing, installing, and maintaining passive rainwater harvesting features. Speakers cover topics from a passive rainwater harvesting field guide available at such as: Why harvest rainwater; evaluating where to site your rainwater harvesting feature; sizing your rainwater harvesting feature; selecting plants; installing basins, swales, and soil sponges; MULCH!; and watering, pruning, and weeding.
Growing Strawberries - Dr. Russell Wallace, Extension Vegetable Specialist at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Service Center in Lubbock. Topics include recommended varieties for the southwest region, how to plant and grow them (soil, water, etc.), pests, etc.
- Video recording 6-19-24
- Presentation slides 6-19-24
- Resource shared by Dr. Wallace: Low Tunnel Strawberry Guide for Home Gardeners on the Texas High Plains
- NMSU Extension Publication: Home Garden Strawberry Production in New Mexico
Ornamental Sunflowers - Dr. Calvin Trostle, Texas AgriLife Extension Hemp & Alternative Crops Specialist in Lubbock. Topics include recommended varieties for the southwest region, benefits for wildlife, how to grow them (soil, water, etc.), and tips for sunflower photography.
Growing Chile Peppers in the Southwest - Dr. Stephanie Walker, NMSU Extension Vegetable Specialist
Top 10 Tree Diseases and Disorders Found in New Mexico - Dr. Phillip Lujan, NMSU Plant Pathology Extension SpecialistReading a Garden Catalog – Bernalillo County Extension Program Director John Garlisch
Chill Hour Requirements & Other Factors Affecting Budbreak in Fruit Trees - NMSU Extension Specialists Dr. Richard Heerema (Pecans and Pistachios) & Marisa Thompson (Urban Horticulture)
ANTS! - Dr. Joanie King, NMSU Extension Entomology Specialist
Surface-water/Groundwater Interactions: Case Studies from the US Southwest" - Dr. Gerhard Schoener, Senior Hydrologist (SSCAFCA) and Research Assistant Professor (University of New Mexico)
2 case studies discussed:
- Groundwater recharge through ephemeral streams in the greater Albuquerque area (this is my own study, along with some data from the ABCWUA Bear Canyon recharge project)
- Flood irrigation and groundwater recharge (probably something from California, where there has been work done on this topic)
Composting - John Zarola, Outreach Coordinator for the Bernalillo County Extension Master Composters program
Container Gardening: Raised Beds & Potted Plants - John Garlisch, Bernalillo County Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent
I'm Dreaming about Greenhouses - Dr. Curtis Smith, NMSU Extension Horticulture Specialist, retired
The Carbon Dilemma: Can Soils Solve Our Climate Crisis? - Sandoval County Agriculture Extension Agent Rachel Zweig
- Video Recording - 7/19/23
- Presentation slides - 7/19/23
- Recommended Resources
- Cotrufo 2022 - Overview of SOM formation, persistence, and function
- Georgiou 2022 - Global stocks and capacity of mineral-associated SOC
- Janzen 2005 -Soil C dilemma: Shall we hoard it or use it?
- Lehman 2015 - Contentious nature of SOM
- van Groenigen 2017 - Sequestering SOC: a nitrogen dilemma
- Cotrufo 2019 - Soil C storage informed by particulate and MAOM
- 4 per mille website:
Squash Bugs, Other Hemipteran Insects, and How to Distinguish the Pests from Beneficials - Dr. Joanie King, NMSU Extension Entomology Specialist
Dealing with the Challenges of Growing Tomatoes in the Desert Southwest - Sandoval Extension Master Gardener Sam Thompson
Approaches to Addressing Troublesome Wildlife in Your Garden: Deer and Pocket Gophers - Dr. Sam Smallidge, NMSU Extension Wildlife Specialist
Seed Propagation, Transplanting, & Storage - Danise Coon, NMSU Research Associate Specialist, Chile Pepper Institute
Pruning the Home Orchard - Dr. Richard Heerema, NMSU Extension Pecan Specialist
Designing Your Habitat Garden - Judith Phillips, Local Landscape Designer and Garden Writer
- Video Recording - 1/18/23
- Presentation slides - 1/18/23
- Resources referenced
- New Mexico Habitat Gardening Resource Lists (created by Judith Phillips)
- National Wildlife Refuge - Keystone Native Plants - North American Deserts
- Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge - ABQ Backyard Refuge Program Plant List
- Additional links available in Zoom chat window of Video Recording - 1/18/23
Landscaping Magic: Inspiration for Your Winter Garden - Wes Brittenham, Director of Horticulture at Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm
Food Preservation - Cindy Davies, retired Family Consumer Science Agent,NMSU's Cooperative Extension Service in Bernalillo County
Landscaping with Native Plants - Mike Halverson, Santa Ana Pueblo Native Plant Nursery
Top 10 Most Common Plant Diagnoses - Phillip Lujan, NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic
Pollinators - Miranda Kersten, Senior Program Specialist, NMSU Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas
Water Storage - Sandra Liakus, Sandoval County Extension Master Gardener (EMG)
- Among other important EMG roles, Ms. Liakus acts as the Project Chair for EMG Home Visits within the county and has initiated both the New Beginnings Therapy Garden in Bernalillo & the Placitas Elementary After School Garden Club.
- Video Recording - 07/02/22
- Presentation Slides - 07/02/22
- Video: "Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Enhancement on the Pueblo of Santa Ana"
- Interview with Glen Harper regarding encouraging work at Santa Ana Pueblo to restore their lands to pre-cattle grazing time and restore and reintroduce wildlife species
- Video: New Mexico In Focus Episode 1110: "Our Land: Pueblo Of Santa Ana Works To Restore Habitat & Bring Back Wildlife"
Keep It Cool: Shading Your Veggies - Dr. Stephanie Walker, NMSU Extension Vegetable Specialist
Drip Irrigation for the Home Garden - Tom Dominguez, Santa Fe County Cooperative Extension
Spring Veggie Gardening - John Garlisch, Bernalillo County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent
- Video Recording - 03/16/22
- Presentation Slides - 03/16/22
- Seed to Supper Online & In-Person Course
- NMSU Publication - CR-457B: Growing Zones, Recommended Crop Varieties, and Planting and Harvesting Information for Home Vegetable Gardens in New Mexico
Pruning Galore - Dr. Marisa Thompson, NMSU Extension Urban Horticulture Specialist
Common Evergreen Pests in New Mexico - Dr. John Formby, Forest Health Specialist with NM Forestry
- Interested in a particular tree or pest? Try searching the Audio Transcript alongside the video recording for key terms, like "ponderosa" or "beetle," to jump to specific times in the presentation.
- Video Recording - 01/19/22
- Presentation Slides - 01/19/22
Holiday Plants - The Ready, Set, GROW! Team
Home Composting - John Zarola, Outreach Coordinator for the Bernalillo County Extension Master Composters program!
- Want to learn more about improving the soil in your yard and garden?
- Video Recording - 11/17/21
- Presentation Slides - 11/17/21 Coming Soon!
Healthy Soils - Isabelle Jenniches, Outreach Coordinator of The NM Healthy Soil Working Group
- Video Recording - 10/20/21
- Want to learn more about improving the soil in your yard and garden?
- Presentation Slides - 10/20/21
- NM Healthy Soil Working Group
- NMSU Extension Publication - CR-694B: Soil Health—Importance, Assessment, and Management
- NMSU Publication - CR-687: Managing Organic Matter in Farm and Garden Soils
- NMSU Publication - CR-676: Interpreting Soil Tests: Unlock the Secrets of Your Soil
Growing Fruits - Suzanne Cole, Mora County Extension and Sara Moran, Bernalillo County Extension Office
- Learn about growing fruit in your garden, from apricots to quince, and currants to strawberries! Topics include: growing conditions, best varieties for New Mexico, & site placement.
- Video Recording - 09/15/21
- Presentation Slides - 09/15/21 Coming Soon!
Cover Crops as Garden Tools - Dr. Stephanie Walker, NMSU Extension Vegetable Specialist
- The use of cover crops is a great way to improve soil, manage pests and disease, and increase your vegetable gardening success. Dr. Stephanie Walker discusses how to select and manage cover crops to overcome gardening challenges.
- Video Recording - 09/01/21
- Presentation Slides - 09/01/21
Planning the Fall Vegetable Garden - John Garlisch, Bernalillo County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent
Container Gardening - Dr. Marisa Thompson, Urban Horticulture Extension Specialist
- Containers are GREAT for small spaces, patio charm, and movability (depending on the size). But they also present a slew of potential gardening problems. Dr. Thompson discusses plants that do well in pots and gives tips on diagnosing and avoiding common problems.
- Video Recording - 08/04/21
- Presentation Slides - 08/04/21
Medicinal Plants - Dr. Ivette Guzmán, NMSU Assistant Professor of Horticulture
- Join us as Dr. Ivette Guzmán describes the fascinating world of medicinal plants and introduces us to common garden and house plants that have medicinal value. For more information,visit the Guzman Research Group.
- Video Recording - 07/21/21
- Presentation Slides - 07/21/21
Plant Diagnosis - Phillip Lujan, Diagnostician for NMSU’s Plant Diagnostic Clinic & John Garlisch, Bernalillo County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent
- Help us diagnose plant problems in our own backyards!
- Video Recording - 07/07/21
- Diagnosing Plant Disorders Slides - Part 1
- Diagnosing Plant Disorders Slides - Part 2
Preserving the Harvest - Cindy Davies, retired Family Consumer Science Agent, NMSU's Cooperative Extension Service in Bernalillo County
- Food preservation and safety tips for home gardeners!
- Video Recording - 06/16/21
- NMSU Publications - Food and Nutrition
- USDA Home Canning Guide
Gardening with Kids - Nissa Patterson, Program Assistant, School Gardens Project, Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension
- Gardening activities for adults to do with kids! Great for parents and teachers!
- Video Recording - 06/02/21
- Presentation Slides - 06/02/21
Pest Management for the Home Garden - Dr. Amanda Skidmore, NMSU Extension Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Specialist
- Dr. Skidmore helps us all avoid common garden pests this season using proven IPM techniques!
- Video Recording - 05/19/21
- Presentation Slides - 05/19/21
Permaculture for the Home Garden - Lynda Garvin, Valencia County Extension Agriculture Agent
Grapevine Management - Dr. Gill Giese, Extension Viticulturist Specialist, Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas
- Dr. Giese explains when to do what with your grapevines based on their cycle of growth, including watering, fertilizing, managing the canopy and heat stress, and when to harvest.
- Video Recording - 04/21/21
- Presentation Slides - 04/21/21
Planting the Vegetable Garden - John Garlisch, Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension Service
Tree Pruning Basics - Dr. Marisa Thompson, NMSU Extension Urban Horticulture Specialist
- Dr. Thompson provides an introduction to pruning techniques for ornamental and fruit trees. Learn how to get started and what NOT to do!
- Video Recording - 03/17/21
- Presentation Slides - 03/17/21
- Tree Pruning Resource List
Designing Landscapes for Diversity - Dr. Amanda Skidmore, NMSU Extension IPM Specialist
- Dr. Skidmore and members of her IPM Lab Team, Miranda Kersten and Dr. Ge Zhang, presented information on designing landscapes to support diverse insect populations and some beekeeping basics!
- Video Recording - 03/03/21
- Presentation Slides - Designing Landscapes for Diversity: Amanda Skidmore
- Presentation Slides - Basic Beekeeping: Ge Zhang
- Presentation Slides - Pollinator Research Segment: Miranda Kersten
- Southwest Yard & Garden Blog
Winter Weed Management - Dr. Leslie Beck, NMSU Extension Weed Specialist
- Video Recording - 02/17/21
- Presentation Slides - 02/17/21
- Early Bird Catches the Weed: Control Goatheads and Sandspurs
- Controlling Perennial Weeds: Silverleaf Nightshade and Nutsedges
- Siberian Elm Tree Control
Starting Seeds Indoors - Nissa Patterson, NMSU Bernalillo Extension Program
- Video Recording - 02/03/21
- Presentation Slides - 02/03/21
- Seed Starting Video
- NMSU Publication - CR-457B: NM Growing Zones for the Vegetable Garden
- NMSU Publication - CR-457: NM Home Vegetable Gardening
- NMSU Publication - Guide H-220: Starting Plants Early
- Last Average Frost Date Spring for NM
- Starting Seeds Indoors Temperature Guide UMN Extension
- Seedling Biology Pennsylvania State University Extension
- Grow Lights UMD Extension
Health Benefits of Gardening - Suzanne Cole, Mora County Extension
- Video Recording - 01/20/21
- Presentation Slides - 01/20/21
- Health Benefits of Gardening List of Resources
Houseplant Care - John Garlisch, Bernalillo County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent
- Video Recording - 01/06/21
- Presentation Slides - 01/06/21
- Pets and Plants - Toxic or Not
- Insect Control for Houseplants from Iowa State Extension
- Indoor Houseplant Care from University of Maryland Extension
- Growing Indoor Plants with Success University of Georgia Extension
- Houseplant Care Oklahoma State Extension
- Growing Orchids in the Home Publication University of Tennessee Extension
- Orchid Basics from Clemson Extension
- Orchid Basics from Cornell Extension
- Poinsettia Care from Colorado Extension
- Poinsettia Care from Pennsylvania State University Extension
- Holiday Cactus from University of Minnesota Extension
- Holiday Cactus from University of Arizona Extension
Holiday Wine Pairings for New Mexico - Dr. Gill Giese, Extension Viticulturist Specialist, Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas
- Video Recording - 12/16/20
- Presentation Slides - 12/16/20
- Wine Tasting Pairings Handout
- Wine Tasting Notes
- Grape Cuttings and Propagation Notes
Gardening Gift Ideas - The Ready, Set, GROW Team
- Join the Ready, Set, GROW crew as we share our favorite garden-related books, tools, and gear!
- Video Recording - 12/03/20
- Presentation Slides - 12/03/20
Taking Care of the Winter Landscape - Dr. Marisa Thompson, NMSU Horticulture Specialist
- Learn how to take care of your trees, shrubs, and perennials in the outdoors landscape during the winter.
- Video Recording - 11/18/20
- Presentation Slides - 11/18/20
Selecting and Planting Trees - Jeff Anderson, Dona Ana Extension Agent
- Learn about selecting trees from the nursery and planting them correctly in your yard.
- Video Recording - 11/04/20
- Presentation Slides - 11/04/20
Seed Saving - Lynda Garvin, Valencia County Extension
- Learn how to save and store seeds from your garden!
- Video Recording - 10/21/20
- Presentation Slides - 10/21/20
The Humble Herb - Suzanne Cole, Mora County Extension
- Demonstrating how to grow, harvest, AND preserve fresh herbs at home!
- Video Recording - 10/07/20
- Presentation Slides - 10/07/20
Pollinator Habitat for the Fall/Winter Garden - Amanda Skidmore, NMSU Integrated Pest Management Specialist
- Want to provide food and shelter to protect pollinators during fall and winter? Dr. Amanda Skidmore will present tips about providing resources to support the pollinator community in the garden.
- Video Recording - 09/16/20
- Presentation Slides - 09/16/20
Planting the Fall Veggie Garden - John Garlisch, Bernalillo County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent
- Late Summer is the perfect time to replant vegetables that like to ripen when it is cool. Start to plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. Frost will be starting in a couple of weeks in some parts of New Mexico!
- Video Recording - 09/02/20
- Presentation Slides - 09/02/20
- Worksheet Handout
Contact Info
Marisa Thompson